Fish soup with curry and coconut milk
Ingredients for 4:
300 g cod fish in pieces
300 g prawns
half kg mussels
half kg clams
800 ml coconut milk
2 spring onions
one garlic clove
one centimetre of fresh root ginger
one teaspoon of curry powder
the juice of one lime
2 chilli peppers
extra virgin olive oil
fresh coriander, to taste
Wash and clean the fish and prawns. Dice the cod into approx. 2-cm wide cubes. Leave the clams to purge in salty water for at least 2 hours.
Slice the onion thinly, chop the garlic finely and fry together in a little oil in a large pan.
Add the curry powder and a thinly sliced chilli pepper. Cook until the curry starts to diffuse its smell and then add the cod and prawns. A few minutes later, add the clams and mussels and cover with the coconut milk.
Add the limejuice and the ginger and cook at low heat for about 5 minutes until the desired thickness is achieved.
Serve the soup hot, garnished with chilli pepper and fresh coriander. If you like, you can serve your soup with Basmati or Black Venere rice on the side.