The Gaetano Marzotto Award 2015
Santa Margherita is one of the partners supporting the Gaetano Marzotto competition that has been rewarding and financing the most innovative projects presented by Italian researchers and young business people since 2011. The Award – just one of the initiatives of the Association named after the founder of our Wine Group and established by his son, Giannino – has contributed 1.3 million Euro to finance more than seventy "winning" projects out of over 3 thousand new ones submitted. This is clear evidence of unwavering Italian creativity and the yet unexpressed potential of our country’s economy.
In particular, Santa Margherita will finance projects in some specific sectors such as food, architecture and design, entertainment and tourism. “We have chosen to support the Gaetano Marzotto Award because we ourselves are the outcome of the innovation that our founder brought to the Italian farming sector, which is why we feel obliged to take over and uphold his excellent work. We will support some specific sectors – explains Santa Margherita’s CEO Ettore Nicoletto – because they represent the natural evolution of a top-quality product such as Santa Margherita wine. In fact, a winery can no longer be considered a mere physical place: it bears witness to the culture of a territory and to the sustainability of its cultivations. In this context, a bottle is no longer just a container, rather, it can become a bidirectional means of communicating to and fro with wine lovers”.
The regulations of the Gaetano Marzotto award are available on the website www.premiogaetanomarzotto.it